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Countertop Construction: 3 Choice Materials

Published by SEO on May 21, 2021 in category: Blog, Home Improvement with tags: , ,

Installing a new kitchen countertop in your home is often the most daunting and challenging task that you’ll tackle in your home improvement project.  The good news, however, is that there are several different ways to install a new countertop in your home.  Take a look at these three types of countertops to help you decide which is best for your home or business. Some things to consider when choosing the type of countertop for your kitchen are the materials used, your personal style, and the space you have available.

Countertop Construction Materials

The most common surfaces used in countertop installation are laminate, tile, and formica.

Laminate Countertops

Laminate countertops are very common in the United States and are typically made of several layers that are bonded together using either a resin adhesive or a tough adhesive under high heat and pressure. However, they are not recommended for kitchen use due to their fragile surface, peeling and cracking margins, and rapid deterioration when subjected to stains.

Tile Countertops

For many years, tiles have been the most popular countertop material in the world. Today, they can be made from ceramic, glass, and even metal. These tiles can be molded into any shape, are affordable, and can be used for floors as well as walls. Tile countertops have a range of designs that can be practical yet visually appealing.

Formica Countertops

Formica, or “fabricated” countertops are also very popular in many homes. Formica consists of several layers of thick plastic and resins. They are very durable, and only require an adhesive backing. Although they are not the cheapest in the market, they require minimal maintenance and care.

What’s Your Style?

Kitchen countertop installation involves more than just picking out the materials. You’ll need to be conscious of your overall kitchen goals and to determine when you need the surfaces to be. Some questions to ask yourself are: What are the dimensions for your counters? What is your taste? How do you intend to use the space? In general, cabinets used for storage will have different requirements than floor standing cabinets. The floor standing cabinets will need to be able to bear more weight due to their heavy construction.

How to Properly Install a Countertop in your Kitchen

When measuring the dimensions, you will get the results of these measurements in increments of 10 centimeters. If the standard length is 8 centimeters, then your countertops are 8 centimeters wide. So, make sure that the countertop you are installing in your kitchen has at least 12 centimeters of width for every 10 centimeters of countertop length.

Now, every kitchen countertop installation must meet these specifications. If your kitchen countertop dimensions are 10 centimeters wide, then you should have a space of 18 centimeters for installation.

Whether it be granite, quartz, slate, granite, or other types of countertops make sure that you have checked the specifications, including the weight, for that type. Always consult with a professional contractor if you are unsure of the measurements and specifications.

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